MINING Engineering
Originally published in 1966 has become a classic reference in the groundwater industry.
Second Edition. pp. 1108, 730 illusts, photos and tables.
Exceptionally fine copy with only small owner’s name on fpd.
(Very heavy book: 2.4 kgs)
acid additives alluvial alluvium aquifer test auger bacteria bentonite borehole borehole wall bottom cable tool calcium calculated carbonate cause cement chemical chlorine clay coefficient cone of depression confined aquifer contractor corrosion curve cuttings density deposits depth diameter discharge dissolved distance-drawdown drawdown drill pipe drill string driller drilling fluid drive effect electrodes equation filter pack flow foam formation geologic glacial graph groundwater grout head loss hole hydraulic conductivity increase installed ions iron bacteria jetting m³/day material measured method mg/l minerals occur operation particles percent permeable plotted plug polymers porosity precipitation pressure pumping rate pumping test recharge region resistivity rocks sample sand and gravel sandstone screen sediment slope slot sodium specific capacity static water level storage surface surfactant temperature thickness time-drawdown total dissolved solids transmissivity unconsolidated usually vertical viscosity volume of water yield zone