Identifies and fully describes 85 genera in eighteen families of Australian spiders. rpp. 128 illusts #0818
Araneus Archemorus Archemorus species Arcys areas bites body length Botany brood chamber burrow Cairns capture carapace Carepalxis cephalothorax cheliceraeChrysanthus colour common in Queensland Cymbacha Diaea diameter Dinopis Doleschall Dolophones Dyarcyops Edmonton egg-sac eggs Family fangs female Food consists Food is smallfound in Queensland Funnel-web spiders Gasteracantha genus grass green tree-ants habits insects Keyserling Kiama Koch leaf male is slightly male is unknown Mareeba melanic melanic formMenneus moths mygalomorph north Queensland orb-web originally described pair of legs palp Papua New Guinea Photograph locations Phrynarachne posterior preceding species previous species prey Rainbow range of insects recorded retreat Royal National Park Sidymella silken tube Simon slightly smaller small flying insects small insects South Wales specimens spiders build spinnerets stabilimentum Stephanopis strand of silk Sydney Tasmania Tetragnatha Thorell tiny twig undescribed species usually found ventral surface Walckenaer Wales and Queensland web-snare webs Western Australia