First Edition. (Genuine FIRST EDITION, not the facsimile reprint!) First printed in London by William Clowes in 1883 for the International Fisheries Exhibition. (Besterman 2206). A scarce title, this bibliography of sea and river fishing describes 500 works with some discussion of each title. Divided into chapters which include The Bibliography of Fishing Literature-Catalogues etc.; Authors on the Sea and River Fishing before the Introduction of Printing; Authors on the Sea and River Fishing from the Introduction of Printing into England; Izaak Walton-His Literary Contemporaries and Successors to the End of the Century XVII; Authors on Fish and Fishing in Century XVIII; Authors on Fish and Fishing in Century XIX; and The Periodical Literature of Sea and River Fishing, the book also outlines the history of the literature of the subject. pp. vi, 160 #0519 (Bookplate on fpd, initials on prelim.)