PERGAMON: The Telephos Frieze from the Great ...
Renee Dreyfus, Ellen Schraudolph (eds.)
RUPERT: The Daily Express Annual no.54 (1989)
James Henderson; illust John Harrold
RUPERT: The Daily Express Annual No.56 (1991)
James Henderson & Ian Robinson; illust. John ...
RUPERT: The Daily Express Annual No. 61 (1996...
Ian Robinson; illust. John Harrold
RUPERT: The Daily Express Annual (1988)
Alred Bestall, James Henderson; illust John H...
RUPERT: The Daily Express Annual. (1990) Anni...
James Henderson; Illust John Harrold
IN MY TIME: Recollections and Anecdotes
Lord Birdwood of Anzac and Totnes