The story of Tommy Windich, Aboriginal guide to John Forrest’s exploratory mission of 1874 in Western Australia. First Edition. 119 p. : ill., ports. ; 22 cm. Illustrated #0516/0819/1020RX/131221
Tommy Windich (1840-1876), Aboriginal tracker and explorer, was born near Mount Stirling, south of Kellerberrin, Western Australia. He belonged to the Kokar people who spoke the Njaggi Njaggi tongue but was probably also fluent in the inland lingua franca, Kalarmai. Probably detribalized when young through an epidemic, he was brought up in the recently settled Bunbury district. Without formal education, he was well trained by elders in bushcraft and by white settlers in horsemanship. He was a great help to early land seekers and government surveyors, and accompanied