First Edition. Based mainly on the Pitjandjara & Junkandjar people. Subsistence patterns including food preparation; material culture; trade; sand drawings; string figures; body painting rock painting & engraving; head ornaments; stone arrangements, childrens drawings in crayon; leaf games; myths in relation to sacred sites; objects, astronomy, animal & art; rituals including initiation, rain, increase, mortuary; tooth avulsion; medicine men; dancing; sign language.
628 pages, 1 folded leaf of plates, 12 pages of colour plates : illustrations, map ; 27 cm. (ex-library with marks removed, fep blank removed, small stamp on title page; included leaf of plates with wear to edges). #1019
Not a collector’s copy, but a firm, tight and affordable copy of this IMPORTANT BOOK.
Aborigines Aneri Aparina Aranda Australia Ayers Rock body decorations boulders camp camp-fires cave cave paintings ceremony chanting circumcision concentric circles cooked corkwood-tree creatures dance desert nomads dogs drawing euro fairy-owl fire-stick foot-marks gorge grinding stone ground hare-wallabies hill hole honey-ant hunting ice-men illustrates increase centre indicate initiation journey Kaliurana Kanbi kangaroo kangaroo and euro Katatjuta Kipara kulpidji Kuna Kundjula kuranita kurans lizard Malu Mann Ranges marsupials meandering lines Miniri mitikas Mount Conner mountain-devil Mountford Mulara mulga-trees Musgrave Ranges myth mythical nananduraka Ninjuri Nintaka Nirunja outcrop paintings Patjata perentie performed pile Piltadi Pitjandjara Plate Pleiades Pungalunga represent rituals rock-hole sacred objects sand-hill snakes songs South Australia spear spinifex spring symbolise tanamildjan Tjitabidi tjukurita Tjulki Tomkinson Ranges totemic place tracks transformed body travelled tree tribe Uluru unidentified unlocalised Walinga wanambi wanigi water-hole Wati Pumpul wild-turkey willie-wagtail wind-break Windaru woman youth