In a conversation spanning generations, young writers from all over the country sketch the extraordinary lives of ordinary and elderly Australians they find inspirational – there are nocelebrities, only characters; elders whose stories might otherwise never be told. The writers range from Vogel award-winning novelist Danielle Wood from Tasmania, twicenamed Young Novelist of the Year by the Sydney Morning Herald, to fourteen-year-old NicholasDyer from Perth. Renowned photographer Oliver Strewe provides stunning black-and-whiteportraits throughout, which capture every wrinkle and twinkle in the subjects’ faces. Evocative and engaging, heartfelt and irreverent, Lines of Wisdom provides a gentle mediationon the march of time and the history of Australia itself. It contains wise words but, most poignantly, it’s an enduring reminder to listen while we can. pp. 144 illusts First Edition #0219 (out of print.)