Eryldene 17 Mclntosh Street, Gordon 1914. W. Hardy Wilson Public access availableEryldene was designed for Professor E. G. Waterhouse who was a great admirer of the camellia flower. The house retains gardens famous to this day among the gardening community. The house is in the Colonial Revival style and its front is not unlike that of Elizabeth Farm at Parramatta, with the verandah enclosed on either end. The architect: W Hardy Wilson.
Eryldene, its house and garden the product of the minds and hearts of Hardy Wilson’ and E. G. Waterhouse, with its affinity of building, line, colour, leaf and blossom, is the heart of the matter. Here the spirit of these two lives on in a most persuasive way. Thousands of people have visited Eryldene, from all over Australia and all over the world. pp. 112 illusts #0218