The true story of Vivian Bullwinkel, a young army nursing sister who was sole survivor of WW2 massacre by the Japanese, the book details her ordeal in the Sumatran jungle POW camps. Her determination to survive is the basis of this factual biography.
viii, 240 p. : ill., ports. ; 22 cm. Bibliography: p. 236. #050322
Lieutenant Colonel Vivian Statham, AO, MBE, ARRC, ED (née Bullwinkel; 18 December 1915 – 3 July 2000) was an Australian Army nurse during the Second World War. She was the sole surviving nurse of the Bangka Island Massacre, when the Japanese killed 21 of her fellow nurses on Radji Beach, Bangka Island, in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) on 16 February 1942.
Bullwinkel, Vivian, 1915-2000. | Australia. Army. Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps. — Biography. | Nurses — Australia — Biography. | World War, 1939-1945 — Prisoners and prisons, Japanese.