The Geology of the Queen Alexandra Range, Beardmore Glacier, etc.
pp. 305 – 485 fold-out maps, illusts #0621
Antarctic Expedition Arkose Aztec Siltstone Basalts basement rocks Beacon Group Beacon Heights Beacon Heights Orthoquartzite Beacon Sandstone Beardmore Glacier Beardmore region beds Boreas breakout Buckley nunatak Bull calcareous Cambrian Bluff Cape Denison Carboniferous conglomerate containing Correlation Devonian dolerite dolerite sills Exped Ferrar Dolerites folded fossils Geology Geophys glacial Glossopteris Glossopteris flora gneiss Goldie Formation Gondwana Graham Land grey greywacke Gunn and Walcott Gunn and Warren Hallett Station Harrington Holyoake Range Horlick Mountains Hut Point Ice Hole intrusions Laird lce Hole lsland Mackellar marine McKelvey and Webb McMurdo Sound metamorphic miles N.Z. J. Geol Nimrod Glacier observations Odin Arkose overlying Paleozoic Permian Polar Precambrian Queen Alexandra Range Ross Dependency Ross Sea samples schist Scott Base sequence Shackleton Limestone shale siltstone south magnetic pole South Victoria Land Starshot stratigraphic Subgreywacke Survey Station Taylor Glacier thick Tillite type locality upper Beardmore Victoria Land Victoria Valley Volcanics Zealand