Profiles of notable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island women: Sylvia Jolanda Blanco-Green, Mantatjara Wilson, Lily Ethel Madden, Mary Ann Bin-Sallick, Olive Mitchell, Patricia Lynette Dudgeon, Marjorie Baldwin-Jones, Eva Leanne Johnson, Marie Joan Winch, Lesley Fogarty, Rhoda Ann Roberts, Patricia June O’Shane, Talapindja Mamarika, Sue Gordon, Daphne Rose Colless, The Mills sisters, Glenda Myrtle Humes, Patricia Gwen Torres, Mutilna Ganambarr, Roslyn Ann Watson, Sandra Lois Peeler, Barbara Catherine Shaw, Tracey Leanne Moffatt, Thancoupie, Justine Florence Saunders, Barbara Cummings, Oodgeroo (of the Tribe) Noonuccal, Vai Frances Stanton, Marcia Lynne Langton, Andrea Collins, Jianna Ethel Richardson, Euphemia Augustine Leoda Bostock. pp. 185 illusts #0918