The 2011 Movie”The Adventures of Tintin” is based on this book and The Secret of the Unicorn.In the Secret of the Unicorn (1943) and Red Rackham’s Treasure (1944) which followed, Tintin joins Haddock on the trail of Sir Francis Haddock, the Captain’s glorious ancestor. With his shark-shaped mini-submarine, the new comer and inventor Cuthbert Calculus will help in the discovery of the treasure and will ultimately contribute to allow Captain Haddock to acquire his family’s estate: Marlinspike Hall.Tintin, Haddock and the Thomsons, with the parchments left by Captain Haddock’s illustrious ancestor in their hands, embark into the search of Red Rackham’s treasure. This will be a rough adventure full of surprises, not to mention the presence of Professor Calculus and his underwater exploration new invention. #0218R/1219/0521/2010121/360722/010223/080124